FPI’s standard stationary AQMS-1000 consists of full sets of analyzers applies général online reference and équivalent method for monitoring regular air quality parameters,such as S02, NO, NOx, CO, 03, PM2.5, PM10, etc. The priority of these stations are to generate reference and représentative point-wise AQI in
such région These stations and data are considered as State level standard data to be published.
AQMS is equipped with a complété calibration tool to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurement results.
Modular design - can be customized to fit real measurement requirements.
User-friendly data collection software for centralized system monitoring.
Connectivity through RS232, Ethernet, or USB ports.
Compliance with US EPA standards.
Low maintenance and opération requirements.
Environmental management normalization
Ensuring air quality during compétitions or conférences
Urban air quality management
Border traffic monitoring for major sources of pollution