Its accuracy, stability and ease of use make it the leadinginstrument in its class.The SE-SFM-030 Static Electric Fieldmeter has been developed toenable industrial engineers to investigate staticelectricity problems.
Its accuracy, stability and ease of use make it the leading instrument in its class.
• The SE-SFM-030 measures static electricity on the surface of amaterial or body at a distance of 100 mm.
• The meter can show where and how the static isgenerated, its magnitude and its polarity.
• It can measure static electricity levels up to 200,000 V.ESSENTIAL QUALITIES
• Two ranges which are selected automatically:- 0 - 20 kV with a resolution of 10 V.- 20 - 200 kV with a resolution of 100 V.
• Accuracy at calibration: +/- 5 %.
• There is a ‘hold’ facility to freeze the reading onthe display.
• Comes complete with carrying case, battery andearth cord.
• Static electricity is a difficult area to investigate without a method of measurement.
• The SE-SFM-030 is an important quality and safety tool. It enables the engineer to investigate static problems, monitor the effectiveness of solutions and set standards for acceptable levels – whether in the process or on the product.