Inspection manhole cover in ductile iron EN-GJS-500-7 conforming to norm UNI EN 1563:2012
IIt is realized from a single cast. It doesn’t have gaskets and its stability is guaranteed by metal on metal contact. The outside edge is realized through the shape of a channel in order to obtain a system of hydraulic closure if it becomes filled up with sand, tar or other materials. Externally its structure helps to optimise its hold in the cement and the insertion of anchoring bolts.
It comes square in shape, it guarantees a good stability thanks to the height of the border and insertion depth not less than 50 mm, also thanks to the possibility of blocking system with stainless steel screws, it comes with two/ four dead holes, which allow the insertion of a suitable handle keys to lift the cover (supplied on request). All the covers are interchangeable. The upper surface is designed to be non-skid to allow the complete flow of water and avoid the creation of ice.
Manhole covers, gullies and gratings can be distinguished into the following classes: A15, B125, C250, D400, E600 ed F900.
Group 4 (Class D 400 minimum): road carriageways (including pedestrian streets), hard shoulders and parking areas for all types of road vehicles.