FES-M4 is designed with Cortex-M4 core and Multi-useful peripherals to benefit engineer
to develop quickly in an industrial product application. Especially in a HMI application.
The advantages of the FES-M4:
>> Ultra low power and designed for harsh industrial environment.
>> A completed library of MQX RTOS for peripherals control.
>> Available APIs for panel control.(refer to document FES-M4_APIs_Note)
>> Providing Max. Resolution up to 1366x768.
All of above advantages are low cost, low profile, and flexible usage
Kinetis MK60DN512VLQ10 @ 100MHz Cortex- M4.
FlashROM 512KB/ SRAM 128KB
Auto-upload user's App via SD card
Storage Memory - SD card, EEprom(AT24C16)
App download - Automatically upload from SD card or RS232
Display - Flex-Bus be able to equip with the FG4335xy-mn board for various panel size from 3.5" ~ 7"
Touch - 4-wired resistive type