The units of series Industrial are distillers which allow to recycle degreasing and washing solvents in order to be re-used. Through a simple distillation process, they separate the contaminants (resins, polymers, pigments, paints, oils, etc.) from the original solvent. The boiling of the solvent is accomplished by a peripheral heating jacket filled with diathermic oil, heated by electrical elements. The vapours are then convoyed to a condenser cooled by air or water. A dedicated microprocessor allows to run one, two or more distillation batches, with an excellent separation between low and high boiling solvents. It is possible to program multiple sequential batch cycles, automatic loading of the solvent to be treated and automatic unloading of the process residue as well. The condensed solvent is collected in a tank, for its reuse. The Microprocessor Control allows the proper use of the plant to treat different kinds of products. The process, which can be divided in different segments, up to 6, allows to gear the values of disbursement contextually to the evolving of the chemical and physical phenomenon induced, and particularly in reference to the specific heat, to the latent heat of vaporization, to the vapour tension and to the range of the temperatures of distillation.
Useful loading capacity: 1200 litres
Consecutive batches or Continuous loading
Operativity 24 hours a day