At the beginning of 80’s, the ORIGIN model was for FPT INDUSTRIE one of the fixed bench milling machine models that represented an absolute innovation in the concept of machining of medium-big-sized mechanical workpieces, making FPT INDUSTRIE the point of reference for the market and for the users all over the word.
And it is with this spirit that, 40 years later, FPT INDUSTRIE reintroduces this historic brand, this time paired with a new-generation mobile column milling machine. A machine that, leveraging the experience gained in the construction of over 160 mobile column milling machines of the SIRIO model, reverses the order of factors in the design of milling machines, in the search for radically innovative solutions that make a difference from what the market has proposed so far.
Unique and patented solutions that allow to save workshop spaces by compacting the overall dimensions and determining in this way a general stiffness capable to offer very high performances. All this makes this machine
revolutionary, unrepeatable and the milestone for the coming years worldwide in our sector.