In an era when security breaches can, and do, destroy corporate reputations overnight, you must balance the benefits of the cloud against the cost, effort, and risk of security in today’s new environment.
Why Cloud Security is Critical
Some experts believe that large public cloud providers have the scale to provide stronger security than all but the largest enterprises and must do so to attract customers. Nevertheless, even if CIOs partner with a trustworthy cloud provider, the security of the company remains the CIO’s ultimate responsibility. In a public cloud, every enterprise must extend its internal security, access control, and data protection policies to the cloud.
To realize the cost and strategic benefits of the cloud, CIOs should choose providers that can meet their service level agreements (SLAs) for performance, uptime, and security at the lowest possible cost. They must also ensure that when business units bypass central IT to use the cloud they only buy what they need — and that IT manages these decisions properly.
Overcome the Security Talent Shortage
The high cost of valuable and trained security professionals doesn’t have to hold you back. In general, it’s hard to find qualified IT professionals who understand cloud architecture and can implement new cloud technologies as they arise. More specifically, few cloud architects have a broad knowledge of more than one type of cloud, which makes it difficult for them to orchestrate services and security successfully across multiple clouds.