Contrary to former outdoor switch-disconnectors inwhich it was common practice for the arc to be extinguished in oil, with the new developed outdoorswitch-disconnector FLa 15/97 arc extinction takesplace in a vacuum interrupter.Based on a patented insulating system there is alsono liquid or gaseous medium required for the externalinsulation strength of the vacuum interrupters.The vacuum quenching device is embedded in aweather-proof insulating housing.This switchgear is therefore also recommended forspecial applications (e.g. in water protection areas).The outdoor switch-disconnector is capable of switching on its rated current as well as its rated short-circuitmaking current via the main contact system.The disconnecting process is implemented via theshunt-connected vacuum interrupters, resulting in noexternal arcing phenomena.A fully developed eccentric make-and-break mechanism operates the vacuum interrupters and ensuresClass M2 with regard to the mechanical strength(corresponds to 5000 mechanical operating cycles).The designs FLa 15/97 correspond in their maindimensions to the switches FLa 15/60, FLa 6400 andFLa 6410 (refer to brochure 762, 763), i.e. the fixingdimensions have remained unchanged.