The Schottky diode (also known as a Schottky Barrier Diode) is a fast switching diode with a low forward voltage drop. There is a small voltage drop across a diode when current flows through it. Frontier TH Schottky diodes have a forward voltage drop (VF range of 0.45 to 0.95 volts, much lower than other types of diodes. This low forward voltage drop provides higher system efficiency and faster switching speed. In a Schottky diode, a semiconductor to metal junction is formed in which the N-type semiconductor acts as the cathode and the metal acts as the anode of the Schottky diode. When selecting Schottky Diodes there are some important parameters to be considered, Forward Voltage Drop (VF), Average Rectified Current (IO), and Peak Repetitive Reverse Current (VRRM) are the most common. The Schottky Diodes' low Forward Voltage Drop (VF) make them ideally suited for use in solar systems to prevent batteries from draining through the solar panel when there is little to no light. Schottky Diodes are also used in switched-mode power supplies as rectifiers due to their fast response time and high efficiency.