The Transient Voltage Suppressor diode (also known as a TVS Diode) is a solid state pn junction device (diode) designed to protect electronic circuits against voltage transients and over-voltage threats such as electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrically fast transients (EFT). TVS Diodes are silicon avalanche devices with a fast response time, low leakage current and low junction capacitance. TVS diodes can respond to over-voltages faster than other common over-voltage protection component such as varistors or gas discharge tubes (GDT). Frontier's TVS diodes are available in both uni-directional and bi-directional configurations.
When selecting TVS Diodes there are some important parameters to be considered, Clamping Voltage (VC), Reverse Standoff Voltage (VRWM), and Peak Pulse Current (IPP) are the most common.
The TVS Diodes' fast response time (almost instantaneous) make them ideally suited for use as board level protection devices for semiconductors and other voltage sensitive components. Some applications are signal and data lines, telecommunications equipment, inputs of AC power line voltage, microprocessors and integrated circuits.