Next generation PXF controller : Fast - Compact - User-friendly
Versatile controllers for all your applications
•The largest bright color LCD on the market
•High speed sampling : 50 ms
•Fast processing : 100 ms
•Universal input
•Most compact class : 58 mm depth
•Multidrop master function (option)
Three models are available : PXF9 (96x96 mm), PXF5 (48x96 mm), PXF4 (48x48 mm)
Large number of input/output signals :
•Universal input (RTD, thermocouple, voltage/current)
•Remote SV input (option)
•Current transformer (CT) input (option)
•Motorized valve position input (option)
•Output control (relay contact, SSR/SSC drive output, current/voltage) and in option (motorized valve control output, analog re-transmission output [current/voltage], heater burnout alarm, operating days alarm etc.)
Control method with auto tuning :
•ON/OFF control
•PID control
•Fuzzy control
•2-degrees-of-freedom PID control
•Self tuning
•Setpoint generator
•Heating/cooling control (option)
•Motorized valve control (option), etc.
Advanced control functions
ON/OFF control
When process value (PV) is below the set value (SV), output is turned on and the heater is energized as shown below. When PV is SV, output is turned off and the heater is de-energized. In this way, output is turned on/off repeatedly with respect to the SV to keep the temperature constant.
This method of control is called "on/off action" (or "two positions actions").
PID parameters are automatically set by the controller's measurement and computation function.