Quality Standards
Our diesel generating sets meets the following standards:
GB/T2820, GB1105, YD/T502, ISO3046, ISO8525, ISO8525-3-5-6.
Factory Test
Each our generating sets must be got through 1 hour load test for running 0%, 25%, 50%,75%,
100% and 110% load before dispatch, All protective devices, control functions are simulated
and it’s system checked, proved and then passed for dispatch. A test certificate can be
provided upon request.
Rating Definitions (Operation at Altitude ≤1500m, Ambient temperature ≤ 40℃).
If altitude higher than 1500m, each 100m will cause additional de-rating 1%.
Prime Power
These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at variable load) in
lieu of commercially purchased power. There is no limitation to the annual hours of
operation and this model can supply 10% overload power for 1 hour in 12 hours.
Standby Power
These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power( at variable load) in
the event of a utility power failure. No overload is permitted on these ratings. The alternator
on this model is peak continuous rated (as defined in ISO8528-3) at 27℃