Dispensing plants provide highest reproducibility for each individual formulation component of any tinted product in desired quantity and shortest dispensing time.
• Just-in-time manufacturing of any tinted product
• Minimizing capital expenditure by reducing total storage volume
• Producing big volumes of tinted products on a compact dispensing system
• Increasing flexibility and performance
The FS 2005 and FS 182 application range is very diverse and depends on the numbers, the mass flow and the physical properties of the components that need to be dispensed. Typical applications would be for manufacturers of paints, additives and printing inks, medium and large packaging companies etc. Dispensing systems are suitable for water-, solvent- and UV-based products and cover high output per year but also the need to dispense into small cans. In order to account for different repeatability requirements and dispensing container sizes they can be equipped with several scales or our volumetric dispenser HX5.