Metallization with pure zinc or with zinc-aluminum alloy, provides anti-corrosion protection on all types of steel or cast iron.
Its ease of implementation and the technical performance of this process makes it an economically attractive solution.
It is sometimes used as a substitute for galvanizing, for parts of large dimensions, of complex geometry, or with potential risks of deformation.
During metallization, the zinc, melted by the flame or arc of the spray gun, is fixed on the steel or cast iron, previously stripped by shot blasting Dsa 3 (ISO 8501-1).
This service is defined by standard NF EN 22063 / ISO 2063 and standard NF P 24-351 for the thickness of the coating depending on the exposure medium. The applied thickness of course determines the life of the anti-corrosion coating.
Preparation by shot peening is essential before metallization.
Metalizing, or schooping, should be distinguished from a service often described as powder metalizing, since the latter actually refers to a zinc primer sometimes applied to parts which have not been shot-blasted.