Easy Spray is specially designed air driven proportioning unit. It has a very compact and advanced design that provides very easy utilization.
The portable unique structure gives a very easy access to different types of working areas. This is a result of the installed chassis with wheels and attached to the product tanks.
The electrical console is designed to save some time during the set up and application. The console requires no qualified personnel because it has only one switch. This way, the operation is eased to its maximum.
The Easy Spray also include the primary heating system that has two separate independent block heaters with no seals. Both heaters include two each 900 W heating elements that supply a total power of 1800 W. The system also has the necessary control and safety features which make the Easy Spray more precise and reliable during operations.
The heaters are designed to permit for a DT of 30º C and allow it to reach application temperatures of 70º in normal environmental conditions.