Nitrogen Gas Generators for selective soldering offer a very quick payback compared to bulk nitrogen. Our company has installed hundreds of nitrogen generators on selective solder machines. We have experience with units made by ACE, Kurtz Ersa, Vitronics, RPS, Nordson, JUKI, Pillarhouse, SEHO, DDM Novastar, Apollo Seiko, and more.
What purity of nitrogen do I need for selective soldering?
The average nitrogen purity requirement for selective soldering is higher than other equipment at the plant. It can range from 99.99% to 99.9995% depending on the manufacturer. We offer a reliable endless supply of nitrogen with an average payback of 12 to 14 months. With systems running over 20 years we are the company the gas supplier does not want you to know about.
What about turn key nitrogen generators for electronics?
Our company also offers complete turnkey systems. This can include feed air compressors, nitrogen filling stations, storage tanks, and more.
How much Nitrogen does my selective solder use?
If you have ever wondered how much nitrogen your selective solder requires, click the link below or call us today. We offer free nitrogen gas flow meters to measure your demand.