The Heaters produced by GASCAT are flame tube, has as function to heat gas fluids before inlet of pressure regulating skid. It are designed and manufactured to allow to operate with maximum efficiency, allowing that the product heating be safely in classified area.
The indirect water bath heater of GASCAT is an equipment that has function to avoid the temperature drop due of pressure reduction (Joule-Thompson effect).
The instrumentation control count with a system programmed to operate the instruments (valves of flow control, pressure and temperature).
Thermal capacity of indirect heaters varies from 12,600 kcal/h (50,000 BTU/h) to 2,520,000 kcal/h (10,000,000 Btu/h).
Advantages of Gascat heaters:
a) electric power supply by solar panels or totally pneumatic system;
b) complete automatic ignition system option;
c) All necessary instruments (temperature, pressure, level, flame fail detection) for a safe and reliable operation;
d) does not need human presence for operation;
e) reduction in the maintenance indication (preventive/corrective);
f) thermal capacity between 12,600 kcal/h (50,000 BTU/h) to 2,520,000 kcal/h (10,000,000 Btu/h). Other capacities can be made under consult;
g) attends ABNT NBR-12313 and CSA B 149.3-00 standards for the combustion train.
h) Design and fabrication according to API 12K.