The continuous operating temperature of this engineering plastic ranges between -40 °C and +100 °C. Based on its toughness combined with high dimensional stability, there is no tendency to stress cracking. The copolymer has high thermal stability and chemical resistance. In particular, the increased hydrolytic stability and resistance to contact with many solvents must be taken into account. This material is frequently found in applications in the food industry, as cleaning processes require resistance to the use of hot water or various chemical agents. Our round rods and sheets in natural colour comply with the food contact regulations according to 10/2011/EC.
Pressure tested quality
High strength and stiffness
High rigidity (to -40 °C)
High thermal stability
Low water absorption
High dimension stability
Good electrical insulating properties
Very good sliding properties
High resistance to solvents
Very high resistance to stress cracks
Gear wheels
Parts for pumps
Parts for the textile industry
Carrier for coating lines
Food industry
Components in medical technology and photovoltaics as well as the electrical industry
Components for filtration systems
Reactor housings
Sealing discs (mostly made of calendered sheets)