Our 10 - 2,260 gallon air tanks (receivers) contain the following features:
Designed and constructed in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div-I Code for compressed air storage use.
"U" stamped and registered with the National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
Most designs include Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN).
Capable of building to American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and United States Coast Guard (USCG) codes.
Custom engineered designs available upon request.
Exterior surface painted with one coat standard shop primer.
Special exterior and interior coatings available upon request.
General Air Products also offers a variety of tanks for everyday industrial and commercial use. If you don’t see what you are looking for listed below please contact us using the form at the top of the page or by calling 800-345-8207. Some examples of our diverse air tank offering include:
Air brake reservoirs for mass transit vehicles
Air Starter Tanks
Sandblast Tanks
Tire Changers
Portable Carry Tanks
Surge Tanks
Bladder Tanks