Integrated solutions suite for energy market management
Market solutions are designed around a modern architecture that supports product-based modules. These modules are reusable and can be easily implemented in a short amount of time to meet tight regulatory deadlines. A wide range of market applications are covered:
Forward capacity markets
Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)
Day-ahead and real-time markets (security constrained commitment, scheduling, and dispatching)
Look-ahead and fast-start resource commitment and dispatch
ENTSO-E capacity allocation
Scheduling and balancing market
Native Interoperability
GE is the only vendor with the industry experience, technology expertise, and proven solution breadth and depth to provide electric utilities with end-to-end transmission solutions. GE’s Native Interoperability spans across software portfolios (AEMS, AMMS, WAMS, ADMS, GIS, Mobility and Analytics) and provides utilities with a unique alternative to highly customized and complex interfaces, significantly reducing total cost of ownership.
Benefits of Advanced Market Management System
Integrated suite of modular applications, high performing to solve market clearing and settlements in a short time
Advanced optimization solutions used by large electricity market footprints (150+ GW) which enabled 100M$+ savings