The GERSTEL PYRO enables highly flexible and efficient automated pyrolysis of solids and liquids at up to 1000 °C combined with determination in a GC/MS system of the thermal decomposition products. If required, thermal desorption and pyrolysis of the same sample can be performed in sequence, enabling the analyst to obtain the cleanest possible pyrogram and the maximum amount of information in the shortest possible time. Some key areas in which the PYRO is used are production quality control; product development; and forensic science.
Efficient and accurate analysis
When combined with the industry standard GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler MPS, up to 196 samples can be pyrolyzed automatically in one batch. With just one method and one sequence table the analyst can set up the complete system including thermal desorption, pyrolysis, and GC/MS analysis. This reduces the risk of error and enables a highly efficient work-flow, while providing sensitive and reliable results. The Pyrolyzer is very easy to operate: The sample is placed in a sample holder, which is mounted onto the TDU pyrolysis transport adapter and placed in the MultiPurpose Sampler PYRO tray. The sample is then automatically inserted into the TDU Pyrolyzer. Pyrolysis break-down products are transferred directly to the GC column in split mode or refocused in the GERSTEL Cooled Injection System CIS before being introduced as a narrow band onto the GC column for separation. The GERSTEL PYRO can also be used for manual operation with the TDU as needed.