Designed for refrigeration systems. Suitable for all liquid media that will not attack copper alloy parts.
Useful for systems where the gauge is not subjected to vibrations.
The gauge cooling , also known as gauge meter Freon pressure , is used to measure pressure in refrigeration, freezing and air conditioning in cold rooms, industrial refrigerators , cold filling equipment coal as well as central air conditioning. The refrigeration gauge has the same general structure but with stricter specific characteristics, using a special welding gauge and are tested in order to prevent leakage of coolant. The refrigeration gauge is used refrigerants such as R-22, R-507y R404a; low viscosity fluids that do not attack copper alloys and systems not subject to vibration.
Anwendungen: Manometer für Kühl-, Gefrier- oder Kühlsysteme Klimaanlagen in Kühlräumen, Industriekühlschränken oder zentralen Klimaanlagen.