MD0906 digital pressure gauges are highly accurate and versatile instruments that allow you to check the pressure of gas, liquid, oil or any other non-corrosive medium. Its 4-digit LCD display with is capable of displaying up to 12 different scales: Bar, mbar, psi, kPa, MPa, Pa, mmHg, mH2O, Torr, inH2O, Kgf / cm3 and ATM . The resolution adapts to each scale and pressure level, so if the pressure on one scale reaches 2 positive digits, it can only have 2 decimal places, while on another scale it could have 1 positive digit and 3 decimal places.
These gauges are accurate to up to 0.1% of full scale. This means that according to the maximum error it will be 0.1% of the total amplitude of the pressure range. For example, in a range of -1 to 16 bar (-14.5 to 232 psi) the scale width is 17 bar (246.5 psi) and the maximum error will be 0.017 bar (~0.24 psi).
The sample rate is from 5 times per second. Its "Zero" function allows the instrument to be recalibrated to 0. .
The high manufacturing quality of these digital pressure gauges allows them to endure in extreme working conditions:
-Can be installed in environments ranging from -5 to 40ºC
-Its resistance to overpressure of up to 150% (<250 bar) means that it withstands peaks of up to 1.5 times the maximum pressure range. Additionally, a pressure level indicator is shown on the screen.
-The backlit screen allows installation in dimly lit environments.
The digital pressure gauge is housed in a AISI 304 stainless steel case . The connection, also made of AISI 304, is compatible with most applications.