The main objective of microwave absorbers is to solve problems related to the isolation and absorption of electromagnetic emissions such as cavity resonances in order to preserve the proper functioning of your equipment.
Our range of microwave absorbers will allow you to benefit from the best passive components for your technologies. Easily integrated thanks to a bespoke design and the adhesive option, our absorbers will protect your electronic equipment on the K, Ku and Ka frequency bands, in addition to the L, S, C and X bands.
Discover our range of microwave absorbers:
Formulated in-house by our Getelec Lab R&D laboratory, our range of microwave absorbers, ESA standard, will ensure optimal performance of your electrical equipment. With an absorption capacity of more than 20 dB of incidence and a temperature resistance ranging from -160°C to +200°C, our microwave absorbers are compatible with the new generation of electronic equipment.
Our microwave absorbers of the GT602 range have narrow band performances but also high performance in power density (>1W/cm2) allowing them to be positioned on antennas or high power equipment.
Our microwave absorbers foams are developed from closed-cell carbon-filled silicone foam or dielectrically-filled cross-linked polyurethane foam.
Our know-how allows us to offer you these products in the form of sheets and absorbents molded or custimized cut according to your drawing.