Conception of the Gas detection system GMA200
The gas detection controller GMA200continues with the tradition of thecompany under consideration of innovativetechnology and trend-settingflexibility. It is designed for commercialand industrial applications for themeasurement of combustible andtoxic gases as well as for the measurementof oxygen. The compactconstruction of the GMA200-MW4provides a cost-efficient solution forsafe gas monitoring of industrial facilities.
Parallel Measurement and flexible application
Up to four analog and 16 digital transmitterscan be connected to GMA200-MW4 and monitored simultaneously.Via the configuration software themeasurement range, the measurementdesignation, the type of transmitterand the type of gas can be setindividually as well as three alarmthresholds can be programmed forevery connected single transmitter.The microprocessor of the GMA200-MW4 evaluates all receiving signalsand activates alarm and relays. Indoing so one single gas detectioncontroller GMA200-MW4 can masterdifferent gas detection tasks.