Simple and quick adjustments and responsive to operation display test of gas detectors
To implement the increasing demandsin the daily use of gas detectors, thetest station TX400 has been developedspecially for a rapid executionof the operational display test witha test gas equipment and a possibleneed for a sensor adjustment. TheTeststation TX400 enables a cost-effectiveand at the same time flexibleand mobile use.
Fast on site sensor adjustment
The test station TX400 can quickly andeasily readjust the sensitivity of thesensors. The progress of the adjustmentand the Calibration-Report (gas)are displayed on the device display.
Worldwide fast growing tendency to an operational display test
The operational display test is alsoworldwide accepted and demanded,under a rising use trend. National andincreasingly international authoritiesand organizations active in the OccupationalSafety area consider theoperational execution of the test as aguarantee for a reliable use and safeoperation of the mobile gas detectors.