IDRODOS is our suction wall with water depuration system for the stone/masonry dust extraction
How does it work?
A strong aspiration, localized all over the frontal grating and by one or two (optional) articulated suction arms, sucks the dust inside the Idrodos where it amalgamates with sprayed water particles. The air stream forces the wet dust along a path where the centrifugal forces trap it into the water tank. From there, the air flow continues its way to the pvc drop separators, which retain the moisture and ensure the return of dry air into the work environment. The dry air has to pass air diffusers which reduce the speed and turbulences of the air stream. Most of the captured dust is expelled as muddy water by a continuous water overflow.
• immediately operational, just “plug and play”; no masonry works required;
• it can be equipped with 1 or 2 suction arms, that cover an area of a 3 m radius each, incrementing the efficiency by adding local suction points;
• the drop separators keep the humidity inside;
• equipped with a powerful 7,5 kW motor (10 HP), it grant a REAL suction volume of 9400 Nm3/h
• the suction front can be separated from the fan unit, which can be placed outside to gain more space inside your stone workshop