Liquid ring vacuum units can be equipped with partial or total service fluid recovery system. Available ATEX certification.
Liquid ring vacuum units with total fluid recirculation for almost all gases and vapors thanks to tubular or plate exchangers.
Simple and modular construction
Easy installation and operation
Wide range of material
Available with full instrumenttaion for control, management and fully automated operation
Available with a wired and skid-mounted electrical control panel
ATEX certification.
Liquid ring vacuum units with partial fluid recirculation supplied with liquid/gas separator tank fitted directly on the pump discharge nozzle or next to the pump.
They can be supplied with two stage or single stange pumps with variable internal port
Separator tank and piping system are made of stainless steel
Available ATEX certification.
The liquid ring vacuum units with total fluid recirculation are provided with a suction condenser as well as a solvent recovery system and a post-consender for the condensation of residual gas. If required, it is possible to include all connecting pipes with flanged valves and joints, measuring and control instruments, including thermometer, vacuum gauge and pressure gauge. The entire system is mounted on a single, steel base.