Based on the Haswell microarchitecture, these new Intel processor families bring a whole new set of performance boosting features. In addition to the usual boost in frequencies and core numbers, the Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 V4/ V3 product family are the first in the industry to support the DDR4 memory technology.
Moreover, these new processors include encryption performance overhead reduction features, and technologies improving run time and migration VM integrity.
NVMe Technology
The nodes of the H27N-H70 are built with a backplane board enabling two 2.5” NVMe drive bays on the front of each one of them. With higher IOPS, lower latency, and lower power consumption, the NVMe technology is designed to deliver much faster data transfer performance between a storage device and the processor. Compared to other of types of storage connectivity, NVMe has up to:
6 X
larger bandwidth than SATA III
3 X
lower latency than SATA III
4 X
larger bandwidth than SAS3
7 X
lower latency than SAS3
DDR4 Memory Support
The Intel Xeon E5-2600 V4/ V3 product families are the first wave of server processors to support the DDR4 memory technology. Compared to DDR3, this new generation brings:
Bandwidth Performance
Power Consumption @ 2DPC
Power Consumption @ 3DPC
Memory Frequency
Get the Memory Performance Edge
On the previous server platforms from Intel, the maximum supported memory frequency has always been automatically downgraded by design when more DIMMs were being added on a server motherboard. As this trade-off between performance and capacity represents a dilemma to many memory-hungry server applications