Reliable EMF evaluation for your home
The cheapest field strength meter on the market for the serious measurement of EMF/LF electrosmog caused by household power supply and appliances, high-voltage power lines, electric rail etc.Basis for mitigation and a control of their effectiveness.
Frequency range: 16 Hz - 2 KHz (compensated, better than -2 dB)
Even this starter device meets the high quality standards and common advantages of whole series:
■ The reading shows the total pollution directly in the entity corresponding to the building biology standard values - without any calculation required.
■ The "Geiger counter effect" helps to identify areas of increased LF stress.
■ The included detailed measurement instruction enables the user to perform relevant measurements of EMF – even without technical expertise. With the help of this instrument you can spot - even obscured - sources of LF pollution.
■ Also the manual includes the recommendations for limiting values according to the standard of building biology SBM, which allow for a meaningful assessment of the personal level of EMF pollution.
■ Many patents have been granted to us, the devices have tenthousandfold proven their reliability, and have shown to be leading-edge in their price categories.
Some important technical details:
■ It measures magnetic AND electric fields based on scientifically accepted measuring methods and with high sensitivity (display resolution: 1 nT or 1 V/m).