Offers outstanding analysis possibilities for the entire high frequency range relevant to building biology. Functional and equipment scope tailored to building biology practice. Established worldwide with the building biology professional associations.The splitting of the extra wide frequency response into two devices has great advantages in practice, especially for the analysis of the upper frequency range.
Frequency range: 27 MHz to 10 GHz
Based on the professional HF analysers HFE59B and HFW59Dplus with the respective accessories.
• The extra broad frequency range comprises cell phone services such as GSM (2G), UMTS/CDMA (3G), LTE (4G), 5G (wide area bands), wireless phones, smart meters, both wireless LAN bands, Bluetooth, microwave ovens, TETRA/BOS, TV, broadcast radio, and of course also the “old” but important amateur and CB-radio, radio, TV all the way up to the radar frequencies between 8.5 and 9.5 GHz.
• Outstanding sensitivity, dymanmics, and analysis possibilities thanks to both, the directional log.-per. antenna and the bidirectional omni UBB antenna, as well as the preamplifier, and the attenuator which can be used with both meters.
• All components are securely packed in our compact plastic case K2 with moulded foam inlay.
• For lack of space, we would appreciate if you could look up the technical details and the many special advantages of the individual meters on their specific product pages (follow the links under "components").