Speedy T.Coder mod. 287 is suitable for coding still products, such as food packs, paper, etc. This machine can work with a maximum capacity of 120 strokes per minute and, since it can print using a throwaway cartridge with rapid inks or a refillable cartridge suitable for both rapid and not-rapid inks, it can satisfy every kind of coding needs. This coder is equipped with a 38 x 38 mm. (mod. 287-40) or a 50 x 50 mm. (mod. 287-50) grooved type-holder that may be easily extracted and on which the rubber types are inserted by pressure. Speedy-Coder can be equipped with an electro-pneumatic or with a completely pneumatic logic and is provided with a micrometrical adjusting slide for an extremely easy approach to the product to be coded. Vertical positioning of coding-head from above or from below to horizontal. Approximate weight of coding-head with throwaway cartridge (model with throwaway cartridge) 1,31 kg.Approximate weight of coding-head with refillable cartridge (model with refillable cartridge) 1,71 kg.