Miniflex 544 is a printing unit developed on purpose for in-line printing on non-woven for baby diapers and napkins. Indeed, the printer synchronizes its speed with the one of the non-woven by means of an encoder and the position of the printing roller by a signal received from the embossing unit.
As the printing unit is equipped with closed chamber and ceramic anilox roller, it is possible to work up to 300 m/min. Moreover, the gearless motorization and the sleeve system give the opportunity of modifying the repeat quickly according to the format to be produced (possible repeats from 240 to 460 mm).
The unit is supplied complete with supporting frame with counter roller, motorized roller for the film tension control, edge guide system to centre the film before the printing unit and drying unit by tepid air. A cleaning system for the counter roller is also supplied, to remove eventual ink impurities that have gone trough the material pores.