If machines or other heavy equipment up to 6 tons need to be moved, then the RL6 rotary chassis is the best choiceIt is easy to operate and can carry loads of up to 6 tonnes. For easy and safe in-house transport of heavy loads.
The rotary chassis impresses with highest stability and premium quality. It can be rotated 360° on the spot and is therefore ideal for Moving heavy loads in confined spaces The flat design means that the rotary chassis can be easily positioned under the goods being transported. The ability to rotate makes fixing and aligning easier.
•Rotary trolleys can also be combined with F or TL trolleys with the same overall height
The RL6 rotary chassis is also available in a nickel-plated version as a clean room device. Ideal for the requirements of clean rooms, e.g. in chip manufacturing, the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The technical data corresponds to the standard devices.