A butt contact is an energizing connector that functions as a high current probe by directly pressing it to a contact surface.
The butt contact can flexibly track the uneven surface of a contact point and enables a long-lasting and stable electrical connection. In shipping inspection, using a butt contact helps to simplify work (time reduction) and facilitates design automation. Globetech can inspect and propose a press type butt contact (press type) based on the electrodes’ shapes on the equipment side.
Traditional solutions include using a screw or a standard contact probe to manually tighten a cable to a terminal block. In contrast, butt contacts provide a superior solution because they absorb the friction when they come in contact with an uneven surface. Thus, a long-lasting and stable electrical connection is ensured.
Model: BC75-12
Usable temperature: -20 to +140
* Including its own temperature rise value when energized.
Estimated durability: 100,000 to 1,000,000 cycles