The spring return actuator enables the motorised opening and closing of the damper blade; it can be activated by the central BMS. In the event of a fire, the damper is triggered thermoelectrically at 72 °C or 95 °C (use in warm air ventilation systems). As long as power is supplied to the actuator, the damper blade remains open. If the supply voltage fails, the damper closes (power off to close). Motorised fire dampers can be used to shut off ducts. The torque of each actuator is sufficient to open and close the damper blade even while the fan is running. The spring return actuator is fitted with limit switches that can be used for capturing the damper blade position.
The fire damper is used as a shut-off device to prevent fire and smoke from spreading through ducting in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres. The fire damper is suitable for supply air and extract air systems in potentially explosive atmospheres. For the operation of the fire damper, the operating and installation manual and the technical data in the supplementary operating manual must be observed.
GMCAIR fire dampers of Type YD344, with CE marking and declaration of performance, for the isolation of duct penetrations between fire compartments in the event of a fire
To prevent the propagation of fire and smoke through ductwork to adjacent designated fire compartments
Class of performance to EN 13501-3, up to EI 180 (ve, ho, i ↔ o) S