Index control system for rotary indexing table
Electronic packaged for the index control system to optimize the cycle time.
Features - Compact rotatory indexing table:
- Stop at the end of dwell, more production in less time
- No brake wear
- Mechanical extend warranty, due to soft re-start after e-stop
- Easy & fast set-up
- Web face interface
- PGC combined longer service life, combining mechanies with ICS
- Extremely long service life, combinable with ICS2
- Error analysis via the historic display
- Simplifies logic on Master PLC
1) User friendly - Intuitive web-based interface for startup
2) Easy & fast set-up - Saving time
3) Cycle time optimization - By stopping at the end of the station (dwell area)
4) More production in less time
5) Brake with no wear - Only used for E-stop and parking
6) 2 Working modes - Auto & Jog
7) After emergency stop - JOG MODE protects Indexer’s mechanics with soft start
8) STO available - Highest safety level
9) Extended warranty
10) Rapid error analysis - Via historic error display
11) Simplifies logic inMaster PLC