The versatile gas analyzer is specially designed for non-continuous sampling and quantitative analysis of binary process streams of industrial gases and other gas mixing, cylinder identification, and atmosphere control applications. The typical binary gas application includes NH3 in air, H2 in N2, argon in helium, H2 in O2 CO2 in N2 (flue gas), methyl bromide in air, CO2 in helium, natural gas in air, freon in air, N2 in argon, helium in air, O2 in air, hydrocarbons in He, O2 in H2 SO2 in air, F2 in N2 and many other gases.
The device is designed as a single or a dual pass unit and comes in an optional purgeable housing. The single pass analyzer includes a hermetically sealed reference thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The dual pass analyzer includes flowing reference TCD and an optional pump. The gas selection manifold is used for zero, calibration, and sample gases and offers an optimized, self-contained gas flow system.