Solid State Contactor (SSC) is newlydeveloped SSR application unit that is created by following the AC contactor using mode. It is based on power SSR and equipped with radiator, protection housing, mounting clip, etc. It is a control integration unit with comprehensive functions which make it best substitute for AC contactor.
The GDC Series single-phase SSC and SGTC Series SSC are designed and produced in accordance with international Vulgate standard, which feature the following characteristics:
1. GDC Series products are designed for single-phase loads.
2. GTC Series products are designed for 3-phase loads.
3. Rated current: 10-500A.
4. Rated voltage: 280V, 480V, 530V.
5. Switch mode can be either random-on or reach-zero-on.
6. Insulating voltage≥2500V.
7. International standard mounting clip, quick and stable.
8. Double SCR inverse parallel outputs.
9. Controlling voltage: DC 4-16 or 3-32V, AC 90-250V.
10. LED input display.