The Modular Small Cabinet Fan Forward Curved (MSCF-FC) and Modular Small Cabinet Fan Backward Inclined (MSCF-BI) are low-profile, dual wall, modular constructed, essentially a custom mini air handler. Performance capabilities range from 300 to 4,700 cfm and up to 4 in. wg. The MSCF units are available in eight compact sizes. Unique features are listed below.
* Modular design - easy to install
* Ultra-low profile - as low as 11 inches
* Accessibility - dual side access to each module
* One inch double wall construction - provides superior IAQ
* Internal neoprene isolation - dampens internal vibration
* Stainless steel drain pan with insulated double wall
* Internal flex connection
* Quality workmanship
Unique Accessories Options:
* Internal spring isolation - lowest profile units on the market
* Pre and/or post filters - 2-inch 30% (MERV 8) or 4-inch 65% (MERV 11) efficiencies, or 4-inch 95% (MERV 15) efficiencies (vertical and slopped)
* Coils - hot water, steam, electric, chilled water, and direct expansion
* Re-heating coils - hot water and steam
* Pre and/or post plenums - 12 or 24 inch access for mounting controls
* Mixing Box - with or without filters, dampers, and actuators
* NEMA 1 disconnect switch