VFE 1400 New winch belongs to the wide range of Greifenberg VFE economical
hydraulic winches, from 69 to 109 hp and line lengths from 1200 to 2000 meters.
In particular, the 1400 NEW model allows line lengths up to
1400 meters with a 109 hp engine power.
The 1400 NEW allows you to save the line parameters using the control panel
encoder screen with machine diagnostic. The winch features a hydraulic pump
for decelerating that allows proceeding downhill at greater speed, without
running the risk of diesel engine runaway. As far as safety is concerned, the
system is equipped with a manual brake with hydraulic pliers that the operator
must use only in the event of failures or malfunctioning. In order to favor its
helicopter transportation, the VFE 1400 winch can be disassembled into two
parts: frame/roller and engine / electrical and hydraulic systems. The whole
series also features a front cable guide bar in order to direct the winch during
trawling procedures. The system is CE complaint, equipped with safety shields,
negative stationary brake and soundproof engine bonnet.