Ground Force Worldwide Rock Spreader Trucks offer a variety of special features, many of which come standard with your equipment. Capacities will vary depending on chassis size and weight distribution. Recommended material for optimal performance is 60mm minus screened and graded rock with minimal fines
Innovative slope design for smooth material flow
Heavy-duty, extreme service vibrators for ensure efficient material flow
Hydraulically-operated feed gates with sensors for adjustable feed rate
Bolt on feed hopper design for service access
Driver & curb side material discharge dispensers feature
Variable speed rotary casting wheels (0-150 rpm)
Spreads up to 60 feet (18 meters)
Includes directional casting guards to protect chassis underbody
Multiple configurations for hydraulically operated grizzly screens
Hydraulic functions utilize the host chassis existing hoist circuit
Bed installation utilizes host chassis rear pin bosses
Rear bed pin bosses fully welded & line-bored
Sub-frames include shim-style/replaceable body pads
*Ground Force Field Service Available
Inclinometer installed to indicate chute gate position
Easy to operate in-cab display with (6) programable presets
Supplied rear pins with grease zerks
Steel cab canopy and top-mounted side spill guards
Removable body for easy change-over to GFW Water Tank kit
Stand for seasonal storage
(4) LED Floodlights to illuminate discharge points
Four (4) amber strobe warning lights
Back up alarm
Ground Force Worldwide Rock Spreader Bodies are custom engineered to meet the demands of your haul road maintenance program and manufactured to endure rugged conditions and tough applications