The GENO®-OSMO-RKF series offers compact reverse osmosis systems on a system rack with a special design. The permeate capacity of the three models is between 4,000 and 15,000 l/h. As the central hydraulic unit, the frequency-controlled power unit controls medium intake, transfer to the modules, concentrate recirculation and concentrate discharge. The sensor technology measures the flow and monitors conductivity. The processes of the bus-compatible microprocessor control are displayed via LCD.
Compact reverse osmosis system on rack
Three sizes
Permeate capacity between 4,000 and 15,000 l/h
Frequency-controlled power unit
Bus-compatible microprocessor control
Installation requirements
The installation site must offer adequate space. Provision must be made for sufficiently large and durable foundations . The required connections must be provided prior to the installation work. The installation of a reverse osmosis system represents a major intervention in the drinking water system. Therefore, only authorised experts may install such systems.