Programmable constant température and humidity test chamber 1200L
1, Our test chambers meet following standards
GB/T10592-2008 high and low température test chamber technical conditions
GB/T2423.1-2008 Low température test chamber test method GB/T2423.2-2008 high température test chamber test method GB/T2423.3-2006 Test method for humidity heat test chamber
GB/T2423.4-2008 alternating and humidity test method IEC60068-2-2005 environmental testing related section GJB 150.3 high température test GJB1 50.4 low température test
GJB 150.9 humidity test
2, Testing chamber performance confirmation meets the standard
GB/T2424.5-2006 Environmental Test for Electrical and Electronic Products
GB/T2424.6-2006 Environmental testing of electrical and electronic products Température Performance test of humidity test chamber
GB/T5170.2-2008 electronic and electrical products environmental testing equipment inspection method + température test equipment
J JF 1101-2003 Environmental Test Equipment Température and Humidity Calibration Spécifications