The high and low température test chamber is a test chamber without humidity in the constant température and humidity test chamber, and the parameters are the same as constant température and humidity.
Executive standard
1, Our test chambers meet following standards
GB/T10592-2008 high and low température test chamber technical conditions
GB/T2423.1-2008 Low température test chamber test method GB/T2423.2-2008 high température test chamber test method GB/T2423.3-2006 Test method for humidity heat test chamber
GB/T2423.4-2008 alternating and humidity test method IEC60068-2-2005 environmental testing related section GJB1 50.3 high température test GJB150.4 low température test
GJB 150.9 humidity test
2. testing chamber performance confirmation meets the standard
GB/T2424.5-2006 Environmental Test for Electrical and Electronic Products
GB/T2424.6-2006 Environmental testing of electrical and electronic products Température Performance test of humidity test chamber
GB/T5170.2-2008 electronic and electrical products environmental testing equipment inspection method + température test equipment
J JF 1101-2003 Environmental Test Equipment Température and Humidity Calibration Spécifications
Security System
1, over température alarm
2, leakage protection
3, lack of phase protection4s over current protection
5, fast fuse
6, voice alarms, etc.
7, Overpressure protection8s grounding protection
9, line fuses and fully sheathed terminais
10, Water shortage and gas shortage protection