Industrial gradeintegrated 1037u motherboard ,multi-screen control graphics card 60GB solid stage drive,4GB memory
1. Built-in two 19 inches HD resolution touch screen
2, Builtin backup power supply (UPS) to prevent sudden power failure and damage the system
3, Standard 6 dmx output ports and MIDI interface,3072 dmx channels
4, Support Artnet and expand the output through the network connector
5, DMX output seat adopts original Swiss New Quaker connector,standard 3 XLR connetor
6, Smooth running of various software
7, 21 program playback faders,42 program storage function keys
8, 1 master dimmer wheels,4 attribute encoder wheels
9, 1 master faders,2 AB faders
10, Two VGA video signal input interface(external signal source can be displayed on the console), one HDMI signal output interface(extension of one display)
11, Hydraulic screen angle adjustment support structure