The KRONOS 320T is a multi-process, three-phase inverter welding unit. Its cutting-edge technology ensures excellent arc characteristics for demanding MIG/MAG applications. Integrated synergies make set-up considerably easier and reduce spatter during welding. Its bright, easy-to-use interface provides precise control of welding parameters to ensure perfect quality.
: - steel and stainless steel wire: Ø 0.6 to 1.2 mm
- aluminium wire: Ø 0.8 to 1.2 mm
- cored wire (polarity inversion) : Ø 0.9 to 1.6 mm
● MMA DC / Pulsed: basic and rutile electrodes.
● TIG DC Lift / Pulsed.
Option & Consommables :
350 A torch - 4 m réf. 063792
Earth clamp 4 m - 35 mm2 réf. 043817
torch case MB36 réf. 041417