The Safety Mat meets the requirements for automatic reset,since after removing the operating force, it will returnby itself into the ON condition.If it is required to work with a manual reset, this has tobe implemented according to DIN EN ISO13856-1 bythe machine control system.Due to the positive break of the supply, (current circuitis broken), a separate safety control unit is not required.Safety Mat and control system together have to achievethe Performance Level that has been determined in therisk assessment.
Intended use
Safety mats are employed to protect hazardous areas atmachines and other equipment.All Safety Mats of series HSM® meet the requirements forsafety components according to the Machinery Directive2006/42/EC.Please note: The Safety Mat type HSM® is suitable foruse in dry environment. When using cooling agents, oils,acids etc. please contact manufacturer for more information.
Except for dimensions and shapes, the Safety Mats generallyhave an identical design. They contain the followingcomponents:
❚ Haake Safety Mat® HSM® (opening N/C contacts)
❚ Polyurethane sheath with contact mat and slip-resistant structure
❚ Aluminium ramp trim to fi t sensor amd avoid chance of tripping
❚ Double-insulated