The force sensors of the BZA series aresuitable for the direct measurement of fronttension forces which occur in the manufacturingand further processing of web shaped materials.The sensors are used like any common flange house bearingsfor the measurement of tension forces. Depending on the flow ofthe web and the distribution of the load, the sensors can be usedsingle sided or as a pair of sensors.The radial force sensors of the series BZA are manufactured verycost effectively in a proprietary process. They consist primarilyof three parts: a flange housing, the inner seat of bearing, and aclosed cover disk. The inner seat of bearing serves also as doublebeam measuring element of high linearity and stiffness. The straingauges wired as full bridges deliver a signal proportional to theforce. HAEHNE offers for all its sensors a corresponding range ofamplifiers to condition the measuring signal and deliver the bridgevoltage supply.