Sandwich panel façade elements combine the support layers and the facing layers into a single building element. The advantage is fast on-site installation and the integrated thermal insulation.
Two different fixing systems are available; the FA Flat anchor and the SPA Sandwich panel anchor. Both connect the facing layers in sandwich panel elements to the support layers.
In both systems the support anchors are used to transfer the dead weight of the facing layer and proportionate horizontal forces from wind and temperature influences to the support layer.
If two Flat anchors are used, the anchors should be installed in each direction, symmetrical to the centre of mass. A further anchor must be used as a horizontal anchor perpendicular to the main load bearing direction.
Building authorities approved restraint ties are distributed over the rest of the panel, to account for horizontal forces and to prevent warping of the facing layers.
When appropriately positioned, constraint forces caused by thermal expansion and warping in the facing layers are reduced by the design of the FA anchors.
Sandwich panel elements are very economical and therefore used particularly in industrial and commercial construction (for example, storage and warehouse facilities). However, when used in combination with high-quality, designed concrete facings residential buildings and public buildings are also realized.